Home :: Ericsson :: Cards MD110 :: Ericsson ROF 137 5396/2

Ericsson ROF 137 5396/2

Ericsson ROF 137 5396/2
Our price:
excluding GST
including GST
Ericsson MD110 PABX / Consono Board- NIU2 Part # ROF 137 5396/2 SW, CAA 158 0021 must also be ordered. If board will be used in LIM 1 and no HDU7/1 memory must also be ordered. 128 MB = KDR 109 61/6128; 256MB = KDR 109 61/6256.
Alcatel BRA Basic Rate Card
Power-One 48V Module
Power-One Chassis
Ericsson Dect Cabinet
Leader 1026 HS Telephone
Leader 1026 HS Telephone
Leader 1026 HS Telephone
LeaderDisplay Telephone
Leader Display Telephone